Monday, June 18, 2018

The Arrival of the Blockchain Technology Master "Nexty"

As the wide spread acceptance of cryptocurrencies keep advancing, the quest for a complete platform where transfers, listing, trading will be done without hitches, keep growing on the mind of crypto men, women and business entity. The quest for a platform that can answer the above prayers is now at our door step; a complete and perfect platform that is second to none.
Brief introduction of Nexty Platform
Nexty is a fintech driven platform where starters can be listed in the crypto-community and raise fund for its operations. Nexty platform adhere to Satoshi Nakamoto blockchain technology ideology of decentralization which means there is no middle man but there is proper documentation of transactions. In Nexty platform, NTF coin holder’s transactions are free, with free token to them at the end of every month. On Nexty platform, transaction speed is second to no other.
To get started, click        
Reasons to be on Nexty platform
Simple to use
Instant Transfer
Price Stabilization system
Zero Transfer fees
Transparence and Accountability
Commitment to privacy and confidentiality
Low volatility
Nexty Instant transfer and zero transfer fee Video clip link
Nexty superiority to other platforms

The above tables show Nexty superiority to other platform and its level of technological advancement in the crypto-world. Nexty is a must platform for every crypto man, woman or entity.
Nexty Specification
Coin Name:                                  Nexty
Abbreviation:                               NTY
Algorithm:                                    POW/POS/POF
Presale Date:                               December 12, 2017
ICO Date:                                    December 19, 2017
Total coin supply for ICO:          11,000,000 pNTY (110,000,000,000 NTY)
Total POW:                                 4, 000, 000 pNTY
Total POS:                                   4,000,000 pNTY
Dev &Term:                                 2,000,000 pNTY
Marketing:                                   1,000,000 pNTY
Minimum stake age:                    7 days
Maximum stake age:                   360 days
Blocking spacing:                          in 1 second
Total of 220,000,000,000.00 NTY coin will be in circulation to eliminate multiples of zeros.
NTY Coin Target in 5 Years
In 5years time or less 1NTY coin will equal 1 USD or above 1USD. The Algorithm price stability will be the medium and with the co-effort of Nexty economist.
Dual Cryptocurrency Confirmation system (DCCS)
There are two cryptocurrencies on the Nexty platform: NTY and NTF which runs on a parallel.  The former NTY is the main cryptocurrency used daily on the platform for transactions while NTF which is the latter is used for transaction confirmation system.
Nexty Platform Blue Print

The adherence to the blue print is a clear indication of a reliability and effectiveness of the platform management team. What else can I say about Nexty platform? Nexty platform is in the league of its own; there is no substitute nor close competitor.  What are you waiting for? Get register now and testify.
Nexty Ecosystem & New Era of Startup
At the end of the ICO, Nexty will build a secure payment gateway for all members of Nexty ecosystems. The Platform will release the RESTFUL API access at to work with other businesses to build an ecosystem that can use Nexty in a form of currency or method of new payment. Online or retail stores such as Magento, Woocommerce, Prestra, Opencart, or Shopify while other systems require only 4 to 8 hours to be integrated.
For in dept knowledge about Nexty Platform, Visit the Following addresses: